Vance Pryor, Psy. D. began practicing insight meditation in 1999 after attending a silent meditation retreat. This would begin a relationship with the Dharma that has endured more than 20 years.

He has been deeply influenced by the Burmese Traditions of insight practice, having practiced with Sayadaw U Pandita and Sayadaw U Tejaniya, previously ordaining with the later.

Through the support of Kamala Masters & Steve Armstrong, he began to assist retreats in his efforts to learn how to guide residential meditation retreats. He has also graduated from The Insight Meditation Society’s Teacher Training Program which ran from 2017 until 2021. 

Along with his passion and engagement with the aforementioned mindfulness and wisdom traditions, Vance earned his doctorate in clinical psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, an A.P.A. approved program at the time of graduation. He has been in private practice for close to 10 years, and is licensed as a clinical psychologist in Hawaii, California, and Washington, often employing an integrationist approach to psychotherapy. Exploring the interface and integration between psychological research, thought, clinical practice, and Buddhist understandings of the mind remains an ongoing source of interest.